1 Ice Fishing -- Get the new special fishing pole to get the grey fish. Then to catch the big fish leave a regular fish on the end of the line.
2 Aquagrabber -- In order to get the big pearl, put the big pearl shaped rock inside the clam. To get the rare treasure in Soda Seas, let the crab take all the coins, then he will give it to you.
You also have to pick up the worm and catch the little fish, then give the little fish to the big fish so he will get out of your way.
3 Puffle Rescue -- There are 40 levels of each color. Some levels in the black puffle have the electric octopuses and some don't, so be careful.
4 Hydro Hopper -- Jump over the sharks to get more points. Grab inner tubes for extra life.
5 Catch a wave--Do the competition the judges will tell u what they want 2 see and what buttons 2 push.

6 Jet Pack Adventure -- Don't pick up the coins because if you are able to go through the whole game without a single coin it will give you tons of coins at the end. You go through the town, the plaza, the dock and the mine. For the very last level you just keep going down.
7 Pizzatron 3000 -- There is a candy machine if you flip the lever. Then you can serve desert. Here's what it looks like when you get a perfect record.

Let me know if that ever happens.
Frogger 13