Here is my 1st top 10 by vid. The penguin band and cadence r online so check the tracker 4 their location.
# 10
And the #1 sigh u r in a bad photo both
And the #1 sigh u r in a bad photo both
(U will need this later)
Red - Can shoot fast
Yellow- Long shots
Purple (My favorite 1) Is slow BUT VERY powerful
So were do I put my cannons? Right here.
If defenses r NOT holding u can upgrade your cannons. Sometimes bots will drop gears (which u can also buy for 500 points.) U can put 2 gears in 1 cannon! But u will have do that 1 gear @ a time.
You can also get STAMPS in this game.
So who here has a friend that good? Well I do. She comes over ALOT.(Which is a GOOD thing) We have a thing that we work on in the backyard. Once I let her slime me. Well anyways she wants 2 have a sleepover. (I am fine with that) So here r Top 10 reasons y u should not have a sleepover.
#10. They're really called sleeplessover.
#9. Last job Jenny Craig before model
#8. They have a skull @ their house.
#7. You do nothing but the hokey-pokey naked!
#6. Their house is the SCARIEST thing in the world! O wait that's Frogger 13's blog!
#5. There is no #5, The writters r too busy having a sleepover!
#4. For breakfast green eggs & ham.
#3. They will want u 2 land an airplane in the Hudson River.
#2. They have been in ALOT of mysterious hit and run Penguin mobile incidents.
And the #1 reason y u should not have a sleep over is...
I no I say I am fine with having 1 with her but I wrote a top 10 list on y u should NOT have 1.(he-he) Owell, we r GREAT friends. We r thinking about going down 2 the Santa Cruz beachboed sometime. I did let her stay 4 dnner 1 night. We had Squid pizza and than tipped the ice berg.(lol She really did stay 4 dinner 1 night those)
I hope u can do
Talk 2 The Sensei. Click earn Frogger 13's water suit 4 him. The u win the more % u will give me! Here is what my water suit will look like after u earn it 4 me.
Top 10 favorite lines that Justin Bieber said in his movie.
#10. Where is my wife Ke$ha Katy Gaga?
#9. I hate going to the doctor! Every time I go they say I have Bieber Fever!
#8. This picture is so bad, I do not want 2 go see it.
#7. What is Frogger 13 doing here?
#6. Should I uses the boys restroom or girls restroom?
#5. nachos
#4. Do NOT tell anyone this, but I am real Herbert P Bear.
#3. I had no change, so I stole some from Obama.
#2. Honey, I love u more than the TV, because there is nothing on 2 watch right now.
And the #1 favorite line that Justin Bieber said in his movie is
#1. Today @ work I got shot by Dick Chany. (Yes I am STILL making jokes about THAT)
I hope u become a water ninja soon!
Frogger 13
I also was able to get a sneak peak of the new secret entrances which will be hidden around Club Penguin at the Cove and on the Beach.
There's also new gear out.
So I went to a wedding on Saturday, which was fun. (This is where the song at the top comes in.) The reception had a bunch of disco lights and stuff. They even served tacos for dinner. Here are the top ten things that happened at the wedding:
10. Wedding got crashed by Tiger Woods
9. They had floating candles that sank
8. The best man lost his iphone in his ipants
7. Bride put her dress on upside down
6. Groom's necktie had pictures of skulls on it
5. I found a lost caveman on one of the floating candles
4. Maid of Honor's dress was black instead of blue
3. The preacher's prayer was so long that people feel asleep
2. See video below
And the number one thing that happened at the wedding is:
1. Bride and Groom asked wedding magician if he could make Frogger 13 disappear.
Here's a picture of me putting on my wedding suit:
So you know about Tiger Woods? Here's two things that he was texting to his girlfriends:
"Hey honey, did I leave a green jacket at your place?"
"Hey, I apologize for this, but my wife has the car so I have to pick you up in a golf cart"
I wouldn't give his problems to a monkey on a rock!
Enjoy the new EPF stuff -- later!
Frogger 13
10 Close curtains so u dont get distracted by Frogger 13
9 Increase Vocabulary-- use words like slanket
8 1st buy 100 Grand worth of writing outfits
(The Mountain is gone but if u want 2 see want it was plz do)
Hi Penguins! You know that new mountain expedition that came out? Here are the cheats:
When you get into the room with all the icycles, you have to click on them in a certain order to get through. Here's a vid that shows you how:
The next room that you will go to has a tree.
You have to get the ax and chop it down. First you have to pick up the leaf and brush the snow off the ax.
There's also an entrance to a secret room. Here's where you go:
This is a picture of the secret room. Cool huh? I wonder why all the creatures frozen in the ice are SO BIG!
At the top of the mountain click on the camera to get a free background. You can also get a free flag.
Did I miss a joke? Good, because in this blog you can laugh all you want, but if you don't laugh stop reading and get off the computer!
So I went to the American Idol concert with some people. It was pretty long. Here's my top ten of things that were going through my head at the concert:
10. So when is Adam Lambert coming on?
9. Isn't it funny that the network this is on is called Worldwide Microphones?
8. I knew this would be an adventure, but I never thought I'd be sitting behind Indiana Jones.
7. Who knew I would be sitting next to the future Mrs. Aaron Kelly (there were lots of those).
6. Nobody told me pants were optional here.
5. It's very strange that I'm here, so who you gonna call?
4. Where's Simon Cowell when we need him?
3. I wonder if I can spot Waldo in this crowd.
2. The people I went with tricked me -- they said this was Men's Warehouse.
And the number one things that was going through my head at the American Idol concert is
1. Isn't that funny - the section I'm sitting in is called AI.
Welcome back to the blog where pants are optional but laughing is not.
So you know the Gulf of Mexico oil problem? We've now decided to rename it The Dead Sea.
Hope this blog helped you with the mountain expedition -- don't fall off the top of the mountain!
Frogger 13