(U will need this later)
The EPF is ander attack! Quick go to the SYSTEM DEFENDER! To get 2 the system Defender go 2 HQ. Go up 2 the computer that says system defender. It will say"Do u want 2 bug the EPF System? Click on yes.

Red - Can shoot fast
Yellow- Long shots
Purple (My favorite 1) Is slow BUT VERY powerful
So were do I put my cannons? Right here.

If defenses r NOT holding u can upgrade your cannons. Sometimes bots will drop gears (which u can also buy for 500 points.) U can put 2 gears in 1 cannon! But u will have do that 1 gear @ a time.

You can also get STAMPS in this game.
Here is a sneek peek @ more stamps 2 come in the future.
So who here has a friend that good? Well I do. She comes over ALOT.(Which is a GOOD thing) We have a thing that we work on in the backyard. Once I let her slime me. Well anyways she wants 2 have a sleepover. (I am fine with that) So here r Top 10 reasons y u should not have a sleepover.
#10. They're really called sleeplessover.
#9. Last job Jenny Craig before model
#8. They have a skull @ their house.
#7. You do nothing but the hokey-pokey naked!
#6. Their house is the SCARIEST thing in the world! O wait that's Frogger 13's blog!
#5. There is no #5, The writters r too busy having a sleepover!
#4. For breakfast green eggs & ham.
#3. They will want u 2 land an airplane in the Hudson River.
#2. They have been in ALOT of mysterious hit and run Penguin mobile incidents.
And the #1 reason y u should not have a sleep over is...
I no I say I am fine with having 1 with her but I wrote a top 10 list on y u should NOT have 1.(he-he) Owell, we r GREAT friends. We r thinking about going down 2 the Santa Cruz beachboed sometime. I did let her stay 4 dnner 1 night. We had Squid pizza and than tipped the ice berg.(lol She really did stay 4 dinner 1 night those)
I hope u can do
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