Monday, April 26, 2010
Penguin Words, emotes, and abbrevations
Frogger 13
Monday, April 19, 2010
Frogger 13 Tracker!
Track: I am offline
Server: n/a
Room: n/a
Refresh this post because I just might just log on or off! My favorite server is White House. I go on that server unless there is a Famous penguin out! My favorite room is the Underwater room even tho I cannot swim (tell no 1). Send this to Obama plz. Ok now u know where I am! No I am not going 2 tell u my password! And what is Jonh McCain doing? Why he is lying on his bed and flipping through channels on the tv!
Frogger 13
Friday, April 16, 2010
Rockhopper tracker!
Rockhopper is online
Server just left caribou
Room ship hold

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
I am out for this morning, check back this afternoon
Keep refeshing this post! I find every 2-5 minutes!Read my hints on finding him.When u find RH and u can not see his penguin go to your users in room. On the picture I was trying to do something but it got weird on me.

Then pull up his card.
Then click on the free gift button. U have his background now!
This is what used 2 hanpen when u found him!

Here are some tips on finding him!
1. Penguins who say I'm Rockhopper are lying.
2. Rockhopper only goes to the any where on his ship,the pizza parlor, snow forts, the forst,The the dock, the beach, the cove, and the iceberg. So do not look in the Under Water room 4 he will not be there.
3. Penguins who say he is in the Dojo or he is on Iceland are clueless!
4. RH goes on crowded servers like Mammoth.
Good luck on finding Rockhopper! O by the way I found him after I just ran into a door but trust me do not do that just to find him! Rockhopper is not in Pirates of the Carribeon.
Here is a video on when I Found him!
This video has his password! The 3rd video is on why this track is nerver tracking him.
However this is a picture of the Rochopper I do track!
Post u comment if u find him.
Here r my chat rules
1 no swearing (I do NOT count Heck,shoot or darn as swearing Say gosh instead of God if u say crap instead of u know what I will NOT ban u)
2 No advertising your site, a site,or another chat
3 no mean talk meaning I hate u I will kill u etc
4 no love talk meaning i kiss u, i love u, I heart u etc (saying u love my site is ok)
5 No spamming on this site
6 no linking meaning videos, pictures, and other sites
8 do not blame me if u can not get on server or in the room.
9 If u know me in REAL life do not put my real name, the names of my fammly, the names of my friends, my phone number, where I live or my email address
If u do not follow the rules I will BAN u from chat.
U can tell me if he left the room or sever, if the post is old and needs 2 be updatedor or if u find. him.
U WILL find Rockhopper I have faith in u.
Frogger 13
Cadence Tracker!
Hey dudes when D J Cadence is out on Club Penguin here is a tracker!
Cadence is offline
sever n/a
Room n/a
When u find her and u cannot see her penguin go to your users in roomand pull up her card like in the picture. Then click on the free gift button.
U now have her backgound! I usually find her every 2-5 minutes. Read the hints on finding her. Keep feshing this post. Read the hints.Here are some tips on how to find D J Cadence!
1. Do not believe clueless penguins who say I'm Cadence! The real one will not do that.
2. Cadence only goes to the night club, the lounge, and the night club roof.(sometimes casa fiesta during the music jam) So do not look in the Fire Dojo 4 she will not be there!
3. Penguins who say she is in the mine caves or she is on Berg are lying!
4. Cadence goes on crowded servers like Mammoth.
I hope u find Cadence. If u find her or want some help leave a comment! I love to hear from u!
She is very fun,wirdsometimes,and HOT.
Here is a short video when I found her!
Frogger 13
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Aunt Arctic tracker!
Hey all u penguins when Aunt Arctic is out on CP here is a tracker
Aunt Arctic is offline
server n/a
room n/a
I find her every 3-6.
Now when u find her and can not see her penguin check your users in room and pull up her card.
Read the hints on finding her.
Then click on the free gift botton. Click on yes. U have the backgound now!

Frogger 13
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Penguin Band tracker!
Hey all u penguins when The Penguin Band is out, here is a tracker that works!
Status: offline
Server: n/a
Room: n/a
Band member n/a
If u want 2 find pb fast use the chat tracker. have fun!
Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
I usually find them every 2-4 minutes!
When u find the pb check your users in room.
Then pull up their card.
Then click on the free gift button.
U have the backgroud now! Read the hints on how 2 find them.
I have found all of them. Here are pics of the background and the stamps.
Here is some tips of how to find them ,
1. Do not believe penguins who say I'm Franky! I'm G Billy! I'm Petey K! or I'm Stompin Bob! The real ones will not do that.
2. The pb only goes backstage. So do not look in the Boiler Room they will not be there!
3 Penguins who say they are on Wind Chill or they're in the Pet Shop are wrong!
4. Click on any penguin that looks any like them. It might be one of them!
Good luck on finding the penguin band! O by the way the pb should start something like AI for penguins. Here what should be the number 1 rule: girls under 11 should not have cell phon
This video has G Billys PASSWORD! I could only get G Billys password.
Frogger 13
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sensei tracker!
Hey guys when the Sensei or Fire Sensei or Water Sensei is online here is a tracker that works!
The sensei is offline
Server: n/a
Room: n/a
I find him every 3-5 minutes. When u find the Sensei check your Users in Room.
Then click on it.
Read the hints on how 2 find him.

Then click on the free gift botton. Click on YES. U have the backgound!
U now have his backgound!
Here are some tips on find the Sensei
1 Do not believe penguins who say I'm Sensei! The real Sensei would not do that.
2 Sensei goes on crowded servers like Mammoth.
3 U can find the Sensei in the Ninja Hideout unless it is a special Sensei like the Fire Sensei, or water sensei then he would be in the new dojo. So do not look in the night club he will not go there!
4 Penguins who say he is on the ski hill or he is on white house are lying!
5 Penguins in Mexican hats be not Sensei.
Finding the Sensei takes time plz be patient. Good luck grasshopper!
Im working on getting the password.
Did u know that Sensei has a heat condition. Gary perscribed him 2 Antacid Tablets. Which is the same stuff I take when my stoack is not happy.
Frogger 13
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Gary tracker!

Hey guys ,when Gary is out on CP here is a tracker! Here is some help on finding him.
Tracker: Gary is online
Will update soon
First when you find Gary check your "Users in Room" and find his name. Then click on the name to pull up his card. Then u click on the gift button. I find every 2-4 minutes. Read the hints on finding him. It should say, "You have found a Gary backgound. Would you like to pick it up?" Then click on yes.

I did want my penguin in this picture He spends about 4 minutes on every server.Here are hints on how to find Gary:
1 Do not believe penguins who say "I'm Gary." The real Gary will not do that.
2 Gary spends most of time on popular servers like Mammoth , Frozen etc.
3 Gary will go the mine shaft, the mine, and his lab!zx Do not look on the the ice berg. He will not be there.
4 If a penguin says he is in the pool or he is on South Pole do not go there, for they do not know what they are saying!
Finding Gary takes time so plz be patient. Gary will talk with u. Good Luck! O by the way, Gary invented the iphone6 which all penguins in CP are in line for, all but John McCain who is in line to buy an pay phane! Let me know if the tracker works or if u find him! I love to hear from u ! On April 15 Mr Pickle the owner of the Coffee Shop died. Here is how it happened: He was on his way home in his Toyota. The car excelerated out of control with no brakes. Now it is a run away Toyota! So he drove into a tree and died. However all his friends ran out 2 get a FORD. As u know Tiger Woods drove into a tree and driving into a tree is more fun than reading Sarah Palin's book. I guess we can get away with anything. Do not get any ideas especially all u girls that are insane!
This is a vid on Gary's password !
Frogger 13
Box Creator
Box creator is a

Here is a vid on his password!
Frogger 13