Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Penguin Band tracker!

Hey all u penguins when The Penguin Band is out, here is a tracker that works!

Status: offline
Server: n/a
Room: n/a
Band member n/a

If u want 2 find pb fast use the chat tracker. have fun!

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

I usually find them every 2-4 minutes!
When u find the pb check your users in room.
Then pull up their card.
Then click on the free gift button.
U have the backgroud now! Read the hints on how 2 find them.

I have found all of them. Here are pics of the background and the stamps.

Here is some tips of how to find them ,
1. Do not believe penguins who say I'm Franky! I'm G Billy! I'm Petey K! or I'm Stompin Bob! The real ones will not do that.
2. The pb only goes backstage. So do not look in the Boiler Room they will not be there!
3 Penguins who say they are on Wind Chill or they're in the Pet Shop are wrong!
4. Click on any penguin that looks any like them. It might be one of them!
Good luck on finding the penguin band! O by the way the pb should start something like AI for penguins. Here what should be the number 1 rule: girls under 11 should not have cell phon

This video has G Billys PASSWORD! I could only get G Billys password.

Frogger 13

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