The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk redid its Haunted Castle. I was glad they didn't make it bloody. It's scary but not really scary ( like Justin Beiber). Here's the old one:

OK that was a joke. Here it is really:

They wanted 2 keep the giant spider and they did! After all you don't just throw away a perfectly good giant spider! I cannot begin to tell you how impressive the electronics and special effects are. I'm surprised they didn't have something really scary like the oil spill. There's so much oil and tar that they are just going to let it dry completely and they build a railroad, sidewalk and freeway to Guatamala. There will even be a place to get your oil changed -- fresh from the gulf! Here's what the creatures in the Gulf of Mexico look like now:

But back to the Haunted Castle....
The air conditioning is not that cold, unlike Ghostblasters. The A/C in Ghostblasters is so bad it's snowing in there! Anytime I go on that ride I can't figure out if I'm on Ghostblasters or if I got into a Hot Tub Time Machine and went back in time to a bad evening with my grandmother. Funny I should mention that, because that's how cold our house is after a bad evening. So, Frogger13, how do you keep warm? For all you guys who personally know me and know what I look like, it's really just a disguise. Here's what I really look like:

Unfortunately, she loves a place called Tommy Toys which is very expensive (about $250). It is in downtown San Francisco. Here's what it looks like:

Every time we have bad cold evenings with her I pick up the phone and call Betty White and ask her for advice. Or I send an email to Larry King. She also complains about the manager of her club. He's actually a charming man. Last time I saw him I took a picture:

There's even a vampire bunny in there! I would not recommend the Fright Walk -- too scary. Kind of like Kei$ha's house. Here's a story about the Fright Walk:
My parents and I were driving to a bike trail and I was taking a little nap. Halfway up the road I heard my parents talking and woke up only to find myself covered in blood! My hands, my face, my arms -- Yuck! Don't worry -- we hadn't crashed, my nose was bleeding. I wasn't sure if I was still in the car or if I had transported to the Fright Walk! But it's gory like that, so don't go on it!
Here's a link to a video of the Haunted Castle ride:
Leave me a comment if you've gone on the new Haunted Castle!
Frogger 13