(This is a song you'll need later as you read.)
There is a new field ops out! U know what that means right?We have a cheat! Click on your phone.

Go 2 the hq.

Good! Now that you've beaten the field op you can get some more gear, if you have enough medals.
Guess what! This is the part of my blog where I make jokes! So you know in my last blog I was talking about my neighbors who drove all the way to St. Louis and back again? I mentioned that I was going to something on Thursday nights with the oldest daughter, and now is the time to talk about that! And yes, you guessed it -- this is the part where the song comes in (up at the top). So this person brought this dog -- well, it was pretending to be a dog. I think it was actually a rat. It was small so you were always tripping over it and stepping on it. This is a true story -- it wanted me to throw its sock, so I did, then it wanted to climb all over me. Then it starts chewing on my face! So I decided it was half fleabag, half Satan. I had to sneak off and take some Tylenol. And in case you're wondering if I have a picture -- of course I have a picture!

Here's a picture of the device I use to protect myself:

I protected myself from the cursed canine. The girl from across the street was madly in love with the dog but I forgive her because I wouldn't give her problems to a monkey on a rock. Here is a reason why you should not get a dog:
Because the 1 u want is brave enough 2 go hunting with Dick Chaney.
OK, I do have a picture of the girl across the street without makeup on, but I'm not going to show it, because this is what I look like without makeup on:

The girl's favorite food is Taco Bell, which is funny because she doesn't like meat. When she was holding the dog and it was licking her face I said "I could have sworn you didn't like hot dogs"
Here's one good reason why you will never meet this dog or the girl -- because there's a facebook campaign that Betty White should meet them.
I hope this blog was helpful for you with the field ops. If you need more help leave a comment.
Frogger 13
The song has nothing 2 do with the thing that we r doing.(Im all in there) The the song is talking the oldest daughter and me. She is the u and I im the Im.